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Our Blog
Nancy Detchon
Jun 19, 2015
Iron Age Orkney – follow The Cairns Project now!
Thank goodness for the internet. Can you imagine the trouble we’d have catching up with excavations from all corners of the country...

Nancy Detchon
Jun 17, 2015
Places we visit – A weekend at Bryn Celli Ddu and more!
As we hit summertime, well in theory anyway, archaeologists up and down the country can be found out doing what most people think they do...

Nancy Detchon
Jun 15, 2015
Tools and evolution – worth revisiting.
Back in January BBC Radio 4’s History of Ideas broadcast a piece by Dr Matt Pope of University College London in which he explored the...

Nancy Detchon
May 27, 2015
What do archaeologists actually do? Refitting or piecing together the past .
Here’s the second in our occasional series of what archaeologists actually do, beyond excavating. You might want to look at What do...

Nancy Detchon
May 19, 2015
KS2 and Mesolithic Britain: “what did they eat?”
In this peek into the Mesolithic of Britain we are going to look at how the archaeology of the period can tell us how how people...

Nancy Detchon
May 14, 2015
Stone circle found on Dartmoor but which is it?
Barbrook I stone circle in the Peak District. There is a great deal of interest currently in a stone circle, which has been found on...

Nancy Detchon
May 13, 2015
Mesolithic Britain: First things first!
Welcome to part one of our look at the Mesolithic period in the Prehistory of Britain! In this, we try to include the basics – what you...

Nancy Detchon
May 11, 2015
Stones of Power? Megaliths and Politics.
War Memorial at Saltburn, N Yorks Hot off the press is the latest blog from one our favourite archaeologists – The Urban Prehistorian...

Nancy Detchon
May 1, 2015
KS3 @TMAKirton uncover the past!
KS3 at Thomas Middlecott Academy in Kirton, Lincs get to grips with archaeology! Yesterday Enrichment, in the form of Ian and I, were at...
Nancy Detchon
Apr 28, 2015
Roman London – a new perspective.
One of the things we try to do here at Enrichment is bring you news of lectures, seminars and other presentations where you can get to...
Nancy Detchon
Apr 23, 2015
The things you find when you upgrade a railway: prehistoric butter churn?
There has been a lot of talk in the media over the years about developments such as Crossrail, HS1 and HS2, especially about the cost of...
Nancy Detchon
Apr 21, 2015
FAO teachers in Cheshire: July excavation at Norton priory
One of the things we want to do here at Enrichment is to let people know about the world of archaeology. I bet that the first thing that...
Nancy Detchon
Apr 7, 2015
Keep on track with an archaeology app?
There’s an app for everything right? Well it certainly seems that way, and like many other things in our increasingly busy lives,...
Nancy Detchon
Apr 3, 2015
What do archaeologists actually do? A HERO from Cheshire!
I am often asked, “well, what do archaeologists actually do? Well, actually there are a lot of different answers to that question. The...
Nancy Detchon
Apr 2, 2015
A matter of life and death: large medieval cemetery in Cambridge.
A report published yesterday has revealed a large cemetery in Cambridge which has been dated to the medieval period. The site was...

Nancy Detchon
Apr 1, 2015
Places we visit: Eyam isn’t just the plague, try the Museum too!
As archaeologists Ian and I love nothing better than wandering around archaeological sites, ruins and museums. Of course this doesn’t...
Nancy Detchon
Feb 16, 2015
Classics Day in Loughborough
I was privileged enough to be invited to take part in the Year 9 Classics Day at Loughborough High School. Designed to encourage the...
Nancy Detchon
Jan 19, 2015
Stone Age to Iron Age in Cheshire
What a wonderful day we had in Cheshire! Armed with our trenches, tools and artefacts, Dr Ian Parker Heath (trusty archaeologist husband...
Nancy Detchon
Jan 18, 2015
Teaching ‘changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age’
At the end of my prehistoric archaeology workshops, teachers often say to me that they have learned as much as the children have. Of...
Nancy Detchon
Jan 17, 2015
Prehistoric Levenshulme!
After delivering a workshop covering the Stone Age to Iron Age to Y4s at St Andrews CE Primary School in Levenshulme in October, the...
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